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Formación continua/ Ciencias/ B088

Workshop Environmental Microbiology: Microbes as Safeguards of the Environment

Juan Luis Ramos Martín. Profesor de Investigación. Estación Experimenta del Zaidín. Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

Víctor de Lorenzo Prieto. Profesor de Investigación. Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB). Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

Purificación López García. Profesora de Investigación. Universidad de Paris-Saclay.

  • finalizado
  • Desde: 12 Marzo 2024
  • Hasta: 14 Marzo 2024
  • Presencial
  • Sede Antonio Machado de Baeza
  • Investigadora y profesional


Juan Luis Ramos Martin. Profesor de Investigación. Estación Experimenta del Zaidín. Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

Víctor de Lorenzo Prieto. Profesor de Investigación. Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB). Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

Purificación López García. Profesora de Investigación. Universidad de Paris-Saclay.


This workshop highlights the vital role that microbes play in maintaining Earth's delicate balance and addresses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. With a history dating back billions of years, Earth's interconnected systems—the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere—rely on solar and internal energy sources. However, human activities, such as rapid population growth, resource exploitation, and deforestation, endanger these systems and contribute to climate change.

Microbes, the most abundant life forms on Earth, thrive across various habitats and have a significant impact on sustainability. The workshop delves into microbial biodiversity, evolution, and ecosystems, shedding light on their potential to create a more sustainable planet. Cutting-edge research, using DNA sequencing and advanced techniques, unveils the significance of microbial diversity in ecosystem function.

The workshop addresses the critical issue of soil health and its role in sustainable agriculture. Soil microbiota, a vast bioreactor, plays a pivotal role in nutrient cycling, waste recycling, and ecosystem services. Microbes in the soil enhance plant health and productivity through processes like nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization. To combat soil crises and greenhouse gas emissions, strategies include treating soil as a patient and promoting global coordination.

Microbes contribute to plant growth and stress resistance, and their intricate interactions form the foundation for sustainable agriculture. The workshop emphasizes the use of synthetic communities (SynComs) and multi-omics data to design effective bioinoculants, which promote plant growth, nutrient cycling, and pollution removal.

Understanding microbial traits, such as communication and physiology, offers insights into predicting and modeling microbial behavior. The workshop explores how synthetic biology can mitigate environmental pollution and aid in recycling agriculture and industrial waste, leading to sustainable practices.

Zoonosis and pandemic preparedness are also discussed. The workshop highlights the zoonotic origin of COVID-19 and the importance of surveillance at the animal-human interface to prevent future viral spill-overs. Addressing deforestation and climate change-induced animal migration, the workshop stresses the need for warning systems and criteria for assessing zoonotic virus virulence.

The proposed workshop brings together global experts in microbial ecology to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange. By showcasing the multifaceted contributions of microbes to environmental safeguarding, this event aligns with the United Nations' sustainability goals. It offers a platform for emerging researchers to connect, learn, and contribute to solving pressing global challenges through microbiology.


The Workshop will take place in the premises of the Antonio Machado headquarters of the UNIA in Baeza, a complex made up of two historic buildings: the Jabalquinto Palace (15th/16th centuries) and the old Seminary (17th century) located in the heart of the historic complex, between the old University, Church of Santa Cruz, the Cathedral and the Upper Town Halls.


Both the invited speakers and the participants/attendees will stay in the university residence at the headquarters, which is located in the same space where the Meetings will take place, which facilitates social interaction and informal discussions.

Accommodation can be done in the University Residence itself in a shared double room: €20/day. To make the reservation and the corresponding payment you must be previously registered for the workshop and you can subsequently contact: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.. In exceptional cases, and only if there is availability, it may be for individual use: €36/day.


December 5, 2023

Start of registration, enrollment and presentation of poster proposals

From December 5, 2023 to January 31, 2024

Acceptance and presentation of posters

February 15, 2024

Acceptance and presentation of final posters

February 15, 2024

Registration and enrollment limit in the Workshop

March 12-14, 2024

Celebration of the International workshop "Environmental Microbiology: Microbes as safeguards of the environment”, Headquarters of Baeza. UNIA


Telephone contact: 953 74 27 75
Contact E-Mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
Headquarters of Workshop: Palacio de Jabalquinto, Sede de UNIA en Baeza (Jaén). Acceso por C/ Romero Mengíbar.
Nearby airports: Granada (140 km.)
AVE railway station: Estación Linares-Baeza (17 kms.) direct connection with Madrid, Córdoba o Barcelona.
Bus Station of Baeza: Av. Alcalde Puche Pardo. Connection with the main Spanish cities.

  • Tuesday, March 12th

    9:00-9:30 Openning sesión

    • Welcome by meeting organizers

    Session 1: Microbial Diversity and Evolution

    9:30-10.10 “The Microbiome in Precision Nutrition and Medicine”. Jack Gilbert

    10:15-10.55 “Microbiome in Action: Implications for Applied Microbiology and Human Health”. Sepidek Parkpour.

    11:00-11.45 Poster session 1/Coffee break

    11:50-12.30 “The role of Horizontal Gene Transfer in adaptation of metabolism”. Antoine Danchin

    12:35-13.15 “Microbial diversity patterns and adaptations in polyextreme ecosystems close to life-limits”. Puri López

    13:20-14.00 “Hazard assessment of environmental pollution using a multidisciplinary approach: Focusing on the microbiome”. Carmen Michán

    14:10-15.00 Lunch

    16:00-16.30 “Scientific Societies' Role in Fostering Environmental Sustainability: AMI's Strategy”. Lucy Harper

    16:35-17.15 “The microbiologist’s special duty of care for the wellbeing of humanity and the planet”. Kenneth N. Timmis

    17:15-17.40 Poster session 2/Tea break

    17:45-18.00 AMI Earlier Career Poster Presentation. Selected poster 1

    18:05-18.20 AMI Earlier Career Poster Presentation. Selected poster 2

    18:20-19.00 “Design meets evolution: Theory and practice for the sake of environmental catalysis”. Victor de Lorenzo

    Wenesday, March 13th

    Session 2: Soil crisis and End Hunger: agricultural approach

    9:00-9.40 “Type VI Secretion System: a bacterial killing machine and biocontrol weapon”. Patricia Bernal

    9:45-10.25 “Antibiotic production and auxin signalling in plant-associated bacteria”. Miguel Matilla

    10:30-11.10 “Microbial induced resistance in crop protection against pests: from the lab to the field”. Maria José Pozo

    11:15-11.45 Poster session3/Coffee break

    11:45-12.30 “Burning questions” : Synthetic biology for the environment. All

    12:35-13.15 “Toxin/antitoxin systems induce persitence and work in concert with restriction/modification system to inhibit phage”. Tom Wood

    13:20-13.35 AMI Earlier Career Poster Presentation. selected poster 3

    13:40-13.55 AMI Earlier Career Poster Presentation. selected poster 4

    14:00-15.00 Lunch break

    Session 3: A sustainable world: Waste recycling

    15:45-16.25 “From Microbial Biotechnology to advanced materials”. Auxi Prieto

    16:30-17.10 “Exploiting Synthetic Microbiology to upgrade the Periodic Table in engineered bacteria”. Pablo Nikel

    17:15-17.35 Tea break

    17:40-18.20 “Polyhydroxyalkanoates – from physiological roles to production”. Tanja Narancic

    18:45-21.00 Guided visit to Baeza


    Thursday, March 14th

    9:00-9.40 “PFAS Yielding to Microbial Adaptability”. Lawrence Wackett

    9:45-10.25 “Elucidating the catabolism of lignin-related aromatic compounds in white-rot fungi”. Davinia Salvachúa

    10:30-11.00 Poster sesión 4/Coffee break

    11.05-11.45 “Directional Propionate Recovery from Food Wastewater: Ecological Insight and engineering practice”. Hui Wang

    11:50-12.30 “Mechanisms of solvent tolerance in Pseudomonas putida”. Juan L. Ramos

    Session 4: Zoonosis and COVID

    12:35-13.15 “From Pandemic Preparedness to Phage Therapy - a Call for Virologists”. Harald Brüssow

    13:15-13.30 “Concluding remarks by the organizers”

    13:35-14.35 Lunch break

    Bus departure to Airport Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas (T1, International arrivals, Meeting Point)

    Arrival at Airport

  • Juan Luis Ramos Martín. Profesor de Investigación. Estación Experimenta del Zaidín. Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

    Víctor de Lorenzo Prieto. Profesor de Investigación. Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB). Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

    Purificación López García. Profesora de Investigación. Universidad de Paris-Saclay.

    • Patricia Bernal - Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain.
    • Harald Brüssow - Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
    • Antoine Danchin - Pasteur Institute, Paris, France.
    • Jack Gilbert - Department of Pediatrics and Scripps Institution of Oceanography UC San Diego School of Medicine, La Jolla, USA.
    • Miguel Matilla - CSIC- Estacion Experimental del Zaidin, Granada, Spain.
    • Carmen Michán - Universidad de Cordoba, Córdoba, Spain.
    • Tanja Narancic - University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
    • Pablo I. Nikel - Technical University of Denmark and Novo Center for Biosustainability, Lyngby, Denmark.
    • Sepideh Pakpour - University of British Columbia, Faculty of Applied Science, Vancouver, Canada.
    • María José Pozo - CSIC- Estacion Experimental del Zaidin. Granada, Spain.
    • M. Auxiliadora Prieto - CSIC – Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas, Madrid.
    • Davinia Salvachúa - National Energy Renewable Laboratory, Denver, Colorado, USA.
    • Kenneth N. Timmis - Technical University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany.
    • Lawrence P. Wackett - The University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA.
    • Hui Wang - Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China.
    • Tom Wood - The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA.



A) Applicants must complete an application form and submit it, along with:

  • A summary of your interests and research scope.
  • In case of presenting a poster, a summary of the poster of no more than one page, with the title, authorship, research center, address and a summary of the communication.

See section “presentation of panels and posters".


Application form (doc)*

Applicatión form (odt)

*En cumplimiento del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (Reglamento (UE) 2016/679), se le informa que los datos personales que se puedan recopilar se incorporarán y procesarán en algunos de los archivos de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA); los datos pueden divulgarse según lo previsto por la ley.

La autoridad responsable de los datos es:
UNIA: Secretaría General (Secretario General)
C / Américo Vespucio nº 2, Isla de la Cartuja
Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, eliminación y oposición contactando por escrito con la dirección mencionada anteriormente, a la atención del Delegado de Protección de Datos, o enviando un correo electrónico a Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo., o dirigiéndose al Servicio al Cliente de cualquiera de las sedes de la UNIA. Su derecho fundamental a la protección de datos.

B) Send the completed Application Form (doc) and the attached documents as separate text files and in a single email message, to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo., no later than 30 day of January 2024.

Selected applicants (with or without poster) will be notified directly. From that moment on, they must pay the corresponding registration fees.


The scheduled dates for the presentation of panels/posters are:

A. Until 31 of January of 2024 to present the proposals. If accepted, they will have time to complete their panels and present them.

Presentation of the proposal: through the registration form in the Worhshop. Confirmation of acceptance by the organization will be sent.

B. Until 15 of February of 2024 to present the accepted and complete panels in digital format.

Shipping address for panels/posters: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

o For the oral presentation of posters it is essential to have formalized registration and payment in the Workshop.
o The oral presentation of each poster within one of the sessions will be 6 minutes.
o The co-director of the Workshop will indicate and assign the session in which to present the work.
o The organization will certify the effective presentation of each panel/poster during the Workshop.
o Each author individually or collectively may present a maximum of 2 panels.
o Researchers may display their panel in the campus facilities. To do this, they must bring their work printed in DIN A0 vertical format (84.1 x 118.9 cm) and arrange it in the provided fastening systems.

Panel/poster contents:

• Title: Arial bold 14 points.
• Subtitle (if applicable).
• Authorship (individual or collective).
• Keywords: maximum 4.
• Presentation / Summary of content: 120 words.
• Methodology: 100 words.
• Description and contents: through text and graphics.
• Conclusions: maximum 100 words
• Sources and essential bibliography.
• Format: to transfer digitally DIN A4; PDF. Type: Arial. Body: minimum 9 and maximum 12 points.

All participants: speakers, panelists and moderators/rapporteurs, will have at their disposal an email where they can direct their questions or concerns, in advance of the Workshop itself, so that the moderators can convey these reflections and questions to the tables. rounds that are held.

This Workshop will be held in a common and single space with all participants present. The last session will feature presentation of panels, debate, and drawing of conclusions.

The collection of the texts of the presentations and posters could be published as a book in electronic format, for which authorization will be obtained from the corresponding authors.


Registration: 225 € (includes breakfast and cofee-breaks)
Entry into the Bank: La Caixa
IBAN (international bank account number): ES78 21009166752200074348

  • Selected participants must indicate the full name and title of the Workshop in the bank transfer. After payment, you must send a copy of the bank document to: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
  • The bank charges generated by the transfer will be paid by the attendees.

Entidades patrocinadoras


Matrícula y becas

Situación actual del máster:

  • finalizado

Conoce nuestro propio programa de becas para másteres oficiales y consulta en las bases de la convocatoria los casos donde la beca contempla exención de precios o una ayuda económica.

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